Tuesday, 12 December 2006

Bamboo Plants Glossary

The bamboo culm is also known as the stem or stalk, which generally tends to be a tall woody shoot that emerges from the Rhizome bud, this young shoot quickly grows and reaches its full height with 100 days.

The bamboo rhizome is the underground stems of the bamboo plant, it is the Rhizomes which produce the culms.

Bamboo Buds are the Key points from where new axes emerge and from where an entirely new plant can be formed.

Bamboo Plant Nodes are growth points from where new branches develop, the rhizome, culm and branches of the bamboo plant are all segmented by its nodes.

Internode The portion between two nodes.

Roots play an important part in soil anchorage and are essential for the survival of the bamboo as the roots’ role is to transplant water and nutrients to other parts of the bamboo plant

Branches A bamboo culm only begins to develop branches when it has reached full or almost full height. Branches form from the buds on the culm and are arranged alternately along its length

Leaves Most bamboos produce many leaves, although there is some variety in the shapes between the different bamboo types. Read more about bamboo uses and view loads of free articles.

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