Monday, 1 January 2007

Green Green Grass of Home!!??

Many times I have been asked, ?how do you keep your lawn looking so lush and green?? Both Brits and Americans have a bit of a thing about our lawns, we like them to look good, be weed free and be green! There is nothing worse than a dry brown patchy lawn with the odd tuft of green poking out from the earth and a poor lawn hardly makes you want to go and sit out in your garden. Lawn Care

Creating and maintaining a green lawn can become rather competitive and time consuming with the most time consuming aspects of growing a lawn being mowing, watering and weed removal, however with the use of lawn care prducts like Miracle Gro and Weed and Feed, the task of achieving a good lawn becomes a little less daunting. So the best thing to do on a nice day is to go out and enjoy the sunshine, take stock of the state of the lawn and if it is in need of some TLC wait until a rainy day and go down to the local DIY stores where the shelves are sagging under the weight of lawn care products.

Lawns are great for setting off plants or using to deal with large spaces of nothingness (if you are lucky enough to have the space!) , a good friend said to me recently that once a lawn is established and looking good, the best way to maintain it is to spend 20 minutes a day caring for it and the lawn should look after itself. To me this seems a small price to pay for something which can bring hours of enjoyment to the whole family!!
Another important reason to have a lawn??

According to statistics, a lawn of 230 square meters releases enough oxygen in one year for a family of four.!!! So lawns are great and also make a valuable contribution to the environment. What would be even better would be if they had more grass, fewer weeds and dandelions and never needed cutting!!!

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